
Oddly enough, a second sheet wants to be filled today necessarily. After the action this morning with the browns, the reds have been giving me no peace all day. Obviously colors want to be understood here. Red is often too loud for me. And then immediately four variants of it had landed in my studio. Simply because I had set my mind to have the entire available palette of the manufacturer completely ready. I felt I only needed the pink. Primary red, vermilion and carmine looked so similar in the bottles that they seemed superfluous to me.

What a surprise: I originally thought the Tyrian pink was pretty, and lo and behold – now it’s a cold shade. Primary red appeared powerful and decided to mutate into a cool pink when combined with white. Boring vermilion suddenly laughed at me warmly in its splendor and gave me to understand that it will be quite wonderful for salmon tones. And the carmine? Conjured up the most wonderful strawberry tones.

It’s like learning a new language: although I’m still stuck on „hello“ and „my name is …“, I have the delightful feeling that I’ll retain the vocabulary and the next lessons will fly to me. How can it be that such a little pigment can make you so happy? Joy.